
Export Forum: New UK-Swiss Free Trade Agreement

Wednesday, 13 November 2024, 18:00 onwards

We are delighted to invite you to join the British Embassy to discuss UK-Swiss business and trade, including the new UK-Swiss Free Trade Agreement which is currently under negotiation. This is a unique opportunity to learn more about doing business in and with the UK, as well as share your priorities and expectations for the new trade agreement. We look forward to seeing you there!

Event Location

The event will be held in Aarau. The exact location will be communicated closer to the event. 


18:00 h
Welcome Speech
Beat Bechtold, Director of the Argovian Chamber of Commerce and Industry

18:10 h
Presentation and Q&A: UK-Swiss business and trade
Jakub Novak, Head of Investment, British Embassy
Jessica Hold, Senior Trade Policy Officer, British Embassy

18:55 h
Discussion and Exchange of Experiences
Apéro and Networking

20:00 h
End of programme

Presentation Topics

  • Introduction of the British Embassy
  • Free Trade Agreement between Switzerland and the UK
    • Introduction
    • Objectives and ambitions
  • Inward Investment UK
    • Companies wishing to expand to the UK
    • Why UK?
  • Questions & Answers

Main Organiser

Katrin Wälchli
Aussenhandelsfachfrau mit eidg. FA

Target Audience

Employees specialised in the field of export


The number of participants is limited. Registrations will be processed in chronological order. Should the event be fully booked, you may add yourself to the waiting list.

Registrations will be automatically confirmed via e-mail. An official confirmation of registration will be sent after the registration deadline.

The event is free of charge.

  • Status:
    Noch Plätze frei
  • Teilnehmeranzahl:
  • Kosten:


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